The pod is hosted by Rajiv Parikh (CEO of Position2), a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, a business news junkie, and a history nerd.

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Most recent episodes

Episode 15

Milana Vayntrub is a Creative Force for Good -Art, Collaboration, Authenticity

Milana Vayntrub / 11 May 2024

Clock Iocn62:00
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Episode 14

How to Sell Nuclear Power to Save Humanity/Bret Kugelmass - Last Energy, Nuclear, Disagreeable

Bret Kugelmass / 26 April 2024

Clock Iocn55:00
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Episode 13

What Got You Here, Won't Get You There/Abhi Ingle - Qualtrics, Data, Mumbai to Oberlin

Abhi Ingle / 12 April 2024

Clock Iocn50:00
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Episode 12

A Life Building & Investing in Intelligence/David Yakobovitch -AI Trends, Jobs, LGBTQ+ Advocate

David Yakobovitch / 28 March 2024

Clock Iocn60:00
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Episode 11

The Value of a Healthcare Evolution Architect/Jay Desai - Ann Arbor, Obamacare, Chickens

Jay Desai / 14 March 2024

Clock Iocn64:00
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Episode 10

The Hero's Journey in Business/Tae Hea Nahm - "Date" Wow, Unlearning Founders, Civilization

Hea Nahm / 29 February 2024

Clock Iocn71:00
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